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Crosstech Diamond Tools Co., Ltd.  is a Multi International FDA Certified Manufacturer of High Precision Medical Products Class IIa Friction Grip Diamond Dental Tools (Burs).

Although Crosstech Diamond Tools Co., Ltd. was established only since 2001, it has 27 years of experience in the manufacturing Gems Ruby, Sapphire and other Semi-Precious Gemstone-Cutting, Faceting, Polishing and Carving Diamond Tools, by its parent company Dynamic Diamond Tools Co., Ltd.  Crosstech Diamond Tools Co., Ltd. diversified by acquiring the most Advanced Patent Right Technological Mono and Polycrystalline Diamond Bonding Manufacturing Process and managed Highest Quality Control that exceeding ISO Standards (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003)Manufacturing Technique against all other well known Brands in Europe,USA and Japan, which is over 50 years old Industry, during or after the Second World War, without change.

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